It's summertime which means the majority of our meals are coming from concession stands at various concerts and sporting events or from food trucks, those ingenious kitchens-on-wheels that rally and park all over the city during warm weather months.
Later this month, hungry locals will have a formal opportunity to sate their food truck cravings when a gaggle of mobile restaurants descend upon Haggerty Corridor Corporate Park for Northern Equities Group's first lunchtime gathering of the season.
On Thursday, June 25, folks will find a half-dozen food trucks, including Hero or Villain, Norma G's, The Rolling Stoves, Smoke Ring BBQ, Stockyard, and Treat Dreams staked out in the Art Institute of Michigan parking lot at 28175 Cabot Drive in Novi, serving up delicious eats from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The event is free to attend, though of course the food and drinks will cost you. Additional rallies are scheduled throughout the summer, including on Aug. 14 and Sept. 29.
Original Article:
Author: Alaina Nutile, Detroit MetroTimes